See how we can help you manage your risks.

Independent consultancy

We pride ourselves on being able to afford the time to understand and tailor the advice to specific circumstances of our Customers. After all, no two businesses are the same.

There are significant benefits of obtaining expert advice. Using a task-oriented consultant to address a particular issue may be more economical than employing an individual with the right skillset, in particular if the required knowledge and experience is peripheral to the core business. It is also more effective to use an external resource for matters which only arise occasionally. 

Whilst we are always mindful of the commercial sensitivity, we are truly independent. Honesty, transparency and integrity are our guiding principles. Confidential or privileged information is never disclosed to third parties, unless specifically requested.

Please find below several case scenarios for our services. Of course, we are not limited to them - our business comes in many shapes and sizes.

P&I Clubs and insurance in general

  • Loss prevention matters: technical advice, writing articles, speaking at seminars, webinars. (See 'About Us' for previously published material available in public domain)

  • Providing input to loss prevention projects, guides, papers

  • Analysis of claims and risk exposure of an organisation or business sector, based on data and other industry-specific review techniques

  • Management reviews of shipowners, technical managers, operators, addressing your specific needs (such as risks associated with P&I claims)

  • Support to software projects from the maritime perspective, such as review of claims data structure, assistance with design and implementation, user training, review of system effectiveness.



  • Assistance in preparations for management reviews and audits by insurers, charterers, other entities

  • Liaison with vetting organisations and help in the formulation of effective response to vetting enquiries

  • Support in incident investigations, root cause analysis, formulating corrective and preventive actions, interactions with external entities

  • Assistance in implementation of preventive measures, provision of additional training to crew and shore staff, establishing safety barriers and other risk mitigants

  • Help with following up on adverse reports, such as third party feedback or Port State Control deficiencies and detentions, to ensure the close-out is acceptable to vetting organisations.



  • Help in formulating, implementing and executing of the marine vetting policy

  • Assistance with the review of marine vetting requirements and criteria

  • Advice on the internal risk dialogue, to better communicate the risk appetite and risk tolerance between the stakeholders

  • Assistance with the vetting review of individual vessels, including the communication with managers / operators as required

  • Carrying out management reviews of shipowners, safety / technical managers, operators to support the marine vetting / marine assurance process

  • Support and training in all things maritime to wider chartering and logistics teams, who may not have access to the requisite ship- or cargo-specific knowledge.


Ports and Terminals

  • Help with establishing (or review) of risk management objectives and the related ship acceptance requirements.

  • Carrying out the risk assessment of specific, nominated ships; assistance with obtaining and review of any information required for acceptance.

  • Assistance with inspections or reviews carried out by ship charterers or other interests (such as location clearances, marine terminal assessments, storage facility reviews, etc.)

Minikowo 60

89-510 Minikowo


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